Home > Before Buying
Before Buying

Check product details carefully

Review the shipping terms, refund and return policies, and other terms and conditions of the product you want to buy carefully before placing an order.

Communicate with the supplier

Make sure you're eligible to buy the item you are interested in. If you cannot meet certain conditions, such as the minimum order quantity for an item, please contact the supplier before ordering the item.

Understand the product you want to buy

·If you plan to order a brand name product (e.g. iPhone, Nike shoes) make sure the supplier has authorized reseller documentation. This will help you confirm the authenticity of the item.
·Find out whether or not the product, as an imported good, will incur taxes or duties in your county.
·Use common sense. If a product or the price of a product seems too good to be true, it probably is.

·Get to know the supplier you are buying from. To check a supplier's Feedback Profile and History, click on the Star Ratings in the supplier details section.

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